about us

idea textil workshop

Grace in Every Stitch, Quality in Every Detail!


In 2015, setting out with a commitment to quality production

In 2015, we launched as a small 250 m2 business, operating as a fashion design and production workshop with a commitment to quality. Despite our humble beginnings, we quickly grew in size, thanks to the experience we gained in the industry and customer satisfaction.


We decided to capitalize on the increasing export demand for women's outerwear

In 2017, we relocated to our current modern and spacious facility, spanning 2500 m2, to increase our production capacity. This new infrastructure allowed us to enhance our competitiveness both in the domestic market and on the international stage.


Today, we aim to make a name for ourselves in the industry with our commitment to quality production and customer satisfaction

With a focus on sustainable growth, we are dedicated to staying abreast of technological innovations and adding value to our customers, aiming for future successes.

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Years of Experience
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Completed Model
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We continue to add value and provide value

Our Core Values

Staying true to ethical values, we prioritize moral standards as individuals, as a company, and through our products

We embrace a fair approach in our business processes and customer relationships, remaining dedicated to the principles of honesty and transparent business practices

We adopt models that focus on creating value in our business processes, products, and services, providing added value to our customers and society

While fulfilling our responsibilities to society and the environment, we prioritize human-centered projects and values

While conducting business, we adopt an attitude that takes into account the environmental and social impacts, and we respect nature and human rights

By maintaining our communication on a transparent, respectful, stable, and honest basis, we aim to create a trustworthy business environment


2023 © GROZAMEDYA. All rights reserved